24 Jul

Early Roster Publication – Consultation

After many months of campaigning and subsequent negotiations, we’re pleased to report that we have been successful in persuading the company to commit resources to trial earlier roster publication.

Our position has been that publishing rosters earlier would allow crew to better plan their rest periods, child care, commuting and other personal commitments – enhancing work/life balance.

To facilitate roster publication 15 days prior to the beginning of the month, the bidding window will need to be adjusted to 7 days. With the bidding system interface improvements introduced last year it is now easier to bid from any location, across a variety of devices.

With this is mind, we believe this compromise will ultimately be beneficial to the Gatwick membership.

We will shortly be consulting with members to establish whether the base would like to trial earlier roster publication. If the membership approve, then the trail will commence from October.

As always, thank you for your support.


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